Family-centered care in a comfortable home setting
our care
prenatal care
Comprehensive family-centered prenatal care from the start of your pregnancy. In depth visits in our little cottage on Smythe St. and in your home throughout your pregnancy. These visits tend to last 30 min. to 1 hour giving us ample time to get acquainted and ask questions. We offer many options for childbirth education, labor support training, and nutrition support. It is our goal to support you in having the tools to take your care into your own hands with continuous shared decision making. We honor informed consent and informed choice with all standards of care. Our many years of great relationships with community care providers means smooth collaboration with hospital providers when needed. All lab work, ultrasound referrals and as well as referrals to many alternative modalities of care to help support you through pregnancy. See our community page (coming soon) for our resource list!
home birth
Kate and Joy have decades of experience attending home births and water births in Interior Alaska. We believe that birth is all about supporting you, your baby and your family. We will work with you to discover what supports you best with low-intervention personalized care for your labor and birth. As of March 2023 we will be able to offer home VBAC’s. We support you with on-call 24/7 service throughout your pregnancy for concerns and for your labor between 37-42 weeks. We will set you up with a complete home birth kit around your 36 week appointment along with a birth pool if desired. You will be supported in following your body’s wisdom throughout your birthing process with your family by your side while the midwives provide the equipment, experience, and compassionate care to help your baby arrive safely at home.
postpartum care
We offer extended postpartum care in your home including honoring of the golden hour after birth and continued bonding with your baby. We provide gentle newborn care from birth through 4 weeks old with all standards of care offered. We will clean-up immediately postpartum and ensure you are supported and nourished before we leave your home. We will come back for home visits at 24-36 hours, 3-7 days, 2 weeks and 4 weeks postpartum for mother-baby dyad combined visits. We offer breastfeeding support and extended mother care in your home. We offer postpartum doula packages including meals, baby and mother care, and placenta encapsulation. See packages on our other services page. We are happy to collaborate with community care providers of all kinds with referrals and resources for things like physical therapy, counseling, and support groups
what to expect…
A free consultation to see if ablemidwife is right for you and your family at any point in your pregnancy journey
establish care as early as you can in your pregnancy to secure your place on our homebirth schedule - even as early as 4-6 weeks. We can often also accommodate late transfers to care as well. We will invite you to join our electronic medical record
Referrals for early dating ultrasounds, nutrition counseling and help with early pregnancy symptoms 6-10 weeks.
Our Initial visit will be around 2 hours long to get to know you, your family and your home. We will often draw initial labwork around 10-12 weeks and review your records and history together
We recommend regular monthly prenatal visits for the first two trimesters, with anatomy ultrasounds offered at 20 weeks, and genetic screening if desired. We recommend establishing care with a hospital provider at this point with one prenatal visit. This will provide you layers of support and we have trusted recommendations to fulfill this role.
We offer glucose testing and continued lab monitoring near the start of the third trimester. Our seasoned midwives are proficient in herbs, supplements and nutritional guidance for optimal health in pregnancy
We provide childbirth education and homebirth preparation as part of our comprehensive care in your third trimester. Most appointments will be held in your home unless other arrangements are made.
Our 36 week home visit will include delivery of your homebirth kit and rented birth pool with set up instructions, we can draw labs including group B strep and review treatment options.
We offer continued 24/7 availability to come to your home and attend your birth between 37-42 weeks. We can provide referrals for non-stress testing after your due date has passed and counsel on options to encourage labor when approaching week 42
We are always on call for you to answer concerns and urgent questions in the weeks and days leading up to your labor.
Expect an able midwife and birth assistant or student to arrive at your home when you are in labor. We will bring all the needed equipment and set up in the area while you are able to labor in the comfort of your home.
We are very good at supporting normal physiologic birth and believe that when families and birthing women are undisturbed and quietly supported they are able to give birth in their own way. Honoring this process naturally allows for deep bonding between families and their newborn.
We often joyously await babies arrival by integrating into the space - resting, cooking, cleaning up, supporting and trusting the process
Your midwives are skilled and able to assess complications and act in the case of emergency. The members of our team are certified in CPR and neo-natal resuscitation as well as the treatment of uncommon emergencies.
We deeply value the sacred and glorious moments of birth and the golden hour that occurs for families after a baby is born. We believe quiet, calm presence and continued support without a lot of interruption is often the best way to help families meet their newest member
The birth pause, immediate skin-to-skin between mother and baby, delayed cord clamping for often 1-2 hours or more, delayed newborn exam, and all vitals checked non-intrusively are all midwifery standards that we hold dear.
We will gather all our supplies, empty and breakdown the birth pool, change the linens and even throw in a load of laundry if we can before we leave you to rest and recuperate with your new baby. This will often be 3-6 hours after baby is born.
We come to your home at 24-36 hours after your baby is born to do a full check up of mom and baby. At this visit we can perform the metabolic screening, congenital heart screening for baby and assess how breastfeeding is going.
We offer a 3-7 day home visit once your milk is in to see how things are going. Discussing things like rest, nourishment, support and bonding. We can offer continued support and referral to lactation consultants, pediatricians, osteopaths and others that both you and your baby would benefit from. We are of course on-call for you with any concerns.
We will return again at two weeks post-partum for a mother/baby/family well visit and then again at 4 weeks for our last newborn check up. This is also a good time to see if you would benefit from physical therapy, community support and to discuss family planning.
6 weeks postpartum is our final check up for mom where we can offer more information for family planning and perform your PAP if you are due. At any point in your postpartum journey you can utilize one of our post-partum packages for more support. See details on our other services page
We are very hopeful for the passage of the bill SB58 extending postpartum care to 12 months which will greatly extend the care that mothers and families deserve to receive. If you would like to write a letter of support: to the senate shss@akleg.gov, and to the house hhss@akleg.gov